
Plains to Peaks app

The Plains to Peaks guideline app is available for iOS, iPadOS, Android, and desktop users. 

An internet connection will be required both to download the app and the guidelines within, but after the initial setup it will function offline with no limitations. For the parts of your districts with limited cell coverage, the app will check with the server whenever an internet connection is available and a red banner will display to alert you if there was an update pushed while your device was offline.

The app functions as a viewer for your guidelines with no additional setup, but there are several more robust options for users who want customization and additional features. For those who are interested, here are instructions for the favorites feature and the notes feature. 

To access your guidelines from a desktop computer (via web browser) use the following link: Desktop devices

Base Prehospital Guidelines

The following guidelines have been developed and approved by the Colorado Springs Fire Department and American Medical Response (AMR) in conjunction with a working group representing SCRETAC, SECRETAC and P2PRETAC. The guidelines delineate the expected standard of care and acts allowed for EMT, EMT-IV, AEMT, EMT-I and paramedic providers functioning under our medical direction.

Base Prehospital Guidelines – Revised 6/2023

Disclaimer: This document is considered the “base prehospital guidelines” as some agencies have waivers which exceed the National EMS Scope of Practice Model and/or the Colorado Chapter Two Rules. There may be differences between this document and the information provided by your agency. If you have any questions, contact your agency’s EMS Officer or Medical Director as appropriate.